Ami- Royal Quest All For Love

Day 2.07.2017 National show of hunting dogs took place in Szczytno

Ami- Royal Quest All For Love get there 1 ex. , BOB , BOS21751396_260490961137754_7817020687585787441_n

And he achieve a title of Youth Champion of Poland.
Jugde: Renata Niklasiewicz
Again we are continually proud of Ami 🙂 🙂 🙂 .

Last successes of Fruit Sugar Coolgang


20.05 .17 IDS Dortmund got another request and fulfilled the conditions for the German Champion !!!!!    19437599_1533352920069003_7616823925727383584_n
And in Moletai 27.05.17 1 ex, CAC, res.CACIB (ninth)
28.05.17 1ex, CAC, CACIB (seventh) and BOS
She fulfilled this last condition (related to time) at INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY CHAMPION !!!!!
I’m in the seventh heaven !!!